Monday, December 7, 2009


So Cedar City was absolutley fabulous. I almost made it through the cow tunnels without being afeared. but I still got scared. It wasn't nearly so freaky with james beside me though. It was a really great weekend. Nothing can compare to the temple. Nothing. I felt so away from the freaky doom of my life when I went there and it was the only time I was and have felt absolute peace in my life for quite some time. Jill and I had a conversation where we were actually decent to each other so I feel hope about our future relationship. I really worry sometimes about the future of our friendship. The whole housing/ jillian situation is a major panic in my life. James met the family. Greatest part is they all adore him. I mean who wouldn't ? but seriously its my family so i was feeling slightly doom about it. but THEY ADORE him so that is so good. Jefafa gave me the most amazing blessing ever. I felt the spirit way strong and since that blessing so many things have happened IN ONE DAY that were referenced to it and showed me truth and peace. I love the gospel so much. I dont know what I would do without my savior and my heavenly father. I love them so much and am thankful for everything just everything.

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