2. Read all 4 gospels in one year. That is 7 pages a day baby!!
3. Cut out all revolting, disgusting, discriminating, vile, inappropriate music ( I'm talking to you Eminem, and the whole rap industry had better just watch out)
4. Be more world affairs aware. (Read the New York Times )
5. Do something to change the world every week.
6. One act of kindness daily
7. Daily Prayers
8. Stop worrying, over analyzing, freaking out, etc. JUST SMILE ALREADY
9. Run 6 miles by year end. In 60 minutes mind you.
10. Be a more christlike daughter, friend, girlfriend, roommate, co-worker, peer, example, sibling, etc.
11. Learn from the past but do not let it control my future.
12. Say goodbye to rated R movies forever.
now i'm stalking you!!!!